/usr/local/bin/mencoder -tv driver=v4l2:input=2:width=768:height=576 \ -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2:vbitrate=2400 \ -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=160 -vf crop=720:544:24:16,pp=lb \ -o <filename> tv://After capturing you could recode it with Avidemux to xvid.
mencoder -ovc copy -oac copy <input-file> -o <output-file>
mplayer -vo xv -ao alsa -nocache -autosync 30 -framedrop \ -osdlevel 0 -vf pp=ci -dvd-device $DVDROOT dvd://Okay, not mplayer, but if you want it watched with xine, do this:
xine dvd:/path/to/dvd/root/like/above/By the way: If you want to burn these Files to a DVD, the Filenames has to be All Upper Case for mkisofs to work (with the -dvd-video - option):
mkisofs -o /tmp/image.raw -dvd-video $DVDROOT
cdrecord.prodvd -v dev=0,1,0 -useinfo driveropts=burnfree \ -pad -dao /tmp/image.raw(substitute dev=0,1,0 for your correct one)
growisofs -Z /dev/dvd-recorder -V BIRTHDAY -dvd-video $DVDROOT
mplayer -ao alsa:device=hw=1(yeah, that sucks even more)